Thursday, February 27, 2014

Journal Post #7

Chapter #7


Learning Outcomes

Question #1

Discuss how technology generates problem solving and inquiry learning among students.

                As teaching methods, problem solving and inquiry use real world issues and situations to engage students. A problem solving framework asks to: understand the problem, use solving strategies, and check answers or results. Many real world problems are ill-structured and defy straightforward solutions.


Digital Dialog

Can you think of a teacher you know who is both appropriately engaging and entertaining? How might teachers successfully engage and teach students through the use of edutainment?

            I personally can’t think of one at the top of my head but I have heard of a lot of teachers that are using new technology in the classroom. And how can they not when we see that most all students are engaged in technology, it’s part of the new generation.

            Smart Songs , Sesame Street, and Bill Nye the Science Guy are examples of shows that use music and video to teach topics like math, science, and history. Using music to aid memory dates back to the passing of ancient oral traditions, including the Iliad and the Odyssey. Much of what edutainment can offer through audio and video especially, is accessible over the internet on platforms such as YouTube. These are some videos/shows that can be shown in classrooms as part of a lecture, but more entertaining than just talking to the class.

(Here is an example of a short video to introduce the atmosphere, for science class, and start discussion and lesson after)




            “Within debates to rethink traditional ideas about education and learning and recast educational practices to meet the needs of twenty-first century learners, some theorists have advocated that play, far from being merely frivolous, can provide deep, meaningful learning experiences, and develop creative thinking in ways unachievable by traditional pedagogies.” (Jeremiah McCall)

            Students play computer, video, and web based games regularly for entertainment, but educational uses are increasing. I think this is because we are presenting technology in the classroom and teaching students to use it for learning as well. The educational impacts of gaming remain intensely debated; some educators and psychologists see little value in games, whereas other researchers believe game playing supports the development of key intellectual skills.

            Digital games for learning are a new category of educationally themed games that emphasize active learning, sustained concentration and focus, and innovative approaches to problem solving. Strategies for effectively using games in the classroom include minimizing those that teach isolated skills, not choosing games that are solely based on winning or losing points, discussing game content, and actually playing the games with the students.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

journal 6

Journal Post# 6

Chapter #6

Learning Outcome

Question #3

What are the uses of WebQuests, virtual field trips, and videoconferencing as instructional technologies.

·         WebQuests are virtual journeys that students visit a group of preselected websites to explore academic topics by accessing text, pictures, audio, and video.

·         Virtual field trips allow teachers and students to visit places around the world as part of their academic studies.

(An example of a website that can be used for this is, )

·         Videoconferencing enables individuals in different places to converse electronically in real world.

(For examples: If the teacher has connections with another teacher in different part of the world, or even in another state, the teacher can connect as discuss with them!)

Digital Dialog

                How do you manage the information you need for your college courses and school teaching assignments in the most time efficient ways?

There are a few new ways I have learned in this class on how to manage important information. One of ways I can manage information is by bookmarking, this allows the computer to remember websites that you visit often. You can electronically catalog and subsequently access web pages with one simple command.

                What types of recordkeeping systems do you find best for keeping track of the information you find from paper? From electronic sources?

                The best ways to keep track of electronic sources I believe would be book marking and cloud computing. With cloud you can retrieve information anywhere, anytime from a internet capable device.





            Educational websites provide opportunities for students to explore their own questions freely. They also engage students through graphs, images, characters, and other catchy sources. Also, the use of webquests, virtual field trips, and videoconferencing are great tools for both teachers and students. With webquest, a virtual journey that students can visit a group of academic topics by from text, pictures, audio, and video. Virtual trips are amazing because you can literally see what is there and what you would see if you were actually there!! Technology is amazing! Videoconferencing is great too because you can talk with individual in different place electronically. A way to keep all the information you get from the internet is by bookmarking and using cloud computing. With bookmarking, your computer remembers the websites you visit often. Then with one click you can bring back any and all of your websites when you need them. Cloud computing, means using the internet to store and retrieve files. This information can be accessed anywhere, anytime, from any internet based device.

journal #5

Journal  Post#5

Chapter #5


Learning Outcome Question #2

Explain search engines and how they work.

                Search engines, incredibly fast to retrieve information, help educators and students in accessing online webpage’s that are linked to their database. Specialized search resources narrow the focus of searches to more educationally relevant materials. These engine tools are really not understood.


Digital Dialog 5.1

In what ways do you see e-books and e-readers changing the reading experience for students and changing your role as a teacher?

                The advantages of e-books are clear. E-books are immediate and they are also incorporeal. I can bring along several volumes, weightless and indeed without volume; all in one device. This makes it much easier to maneuver around educator’s desk or classroom.    On the other hand, they are a technology device not a book. Call me old but I would rather have the actual book, its part of the experience for me. They can also hurt your eye muscles like most computer devices. I believe it’s changing the students experience in a good way because they think of it as a device rather then, “oh I have to read another book again”. The students are growing in the technology era and want all the technology they can get. It’s the way to get them engaged. by Brad Moon


Chapter 5 Summary


Teaching students how to do internet research is a crucial element and involves learning how to recognize and utilize electronic information. Especially with having the internet at your finger tips and with school work, Students think its okay to copy and paste or get the information without giving any information or credit to original author. We need to teach students the right way to use and reference this information.

Google, the world’s leading search engine ranks websites not only by words but by how popular it is. Though sometimes the top website may be paid for, for the most part the first website on the page will be the most popular one.  Searching the web involves three strategies with include: fee text, keyword/ exact match, and Boolean.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

journal #4

Chapter #4

Learning Outcome:  Question #3

Demonstrate how teachers connect educational standards to lesson planning.

                For all grade levels there are educational standards in lesson planning. National, state, and local curriculum works help define what academic content teachers must present to students. Therefore, all lesson plans are evaluated and to standards. Also, the internet is a great source of resources for teachers who can conduct research for lesson plans. Move over, when the internet is used for a lesson plan it is easier because all the materials you need are there and any officials can see the lesson too.






Digital Dialog 4.2

1. Do you consider yourself to be skillful at taking multiple-choice test? What are the strengths and shortcomings of this form of assessment for students?

                Yes and no. Yes because if I know the material it is very easy to take multiply choice. Also I might have time to study the night before and just “remember” the material versus actually learning it. So during the test you just look for the right answer then forget the material.

No because if i don’t know the material I just guess. At the end whether I just remembered it or guessed I still don’t know the material, for the most part.

I think students need or should take tests that required them to think, critical thinking questions. The student has to think and write about showing that the material is understood by them.


2. What skills and talents might be best evaluated by paper and pencil tests? 

                Skills and talents are best tested by paper and pencil tests that are critical thinking and applying concepts and ideas of the material. Therefore the student ahs to think and answer to the best of their ability, which then the educator would know if the material has been understood.


3. What kinds of performance-based assessments did you engage in as a student?

                Due to technology coming up so fast and students learning and using it every day, performance-based assessment should be used. An example would be for papers or presentation in class. Students can use word processor, PowerPoint, and other programs. Also, work completed by students can be done using digital portfolios.